A displaced comminuted fracture of the distal diaphysis region of the fibula and a displaced comminuted joint fracture of the distal diaphise-epiphyseal region of the tibia
Prof. Dr. R. Ferracini
Patient: female, 60 years old.
Surgical procedure: A displaced comminuted fracture of the distal diaphysis region of the fibula and a displaced comminuted joint fracture of the distal diaphise-epiphyseal region of the tibia.
Rx of the initial situation: fibual and tibial fractures.
Follow-up 1 1/2 Months: Follow-up post operative with hardware and external fixation
Follow-up 2 1/2 Months: The fixation was removed and presents calcific bone callus signs.
Follow-up 3 1/2 Months: Callus on the lateral tibial side on peripheral side is observed.
Follow-up 5 Months: Increase of the calcified bone callus at the level of the fracture sites.
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