Chondrosarcoma left proximal femur




Dr. R. Piana


Ortho oncology

  • Patient: female, 42 years old.
  • Surgical procedure: A window made with the intact cortical lamina, opened as a flap, was used to access tumor, where a deep lesion curettage was performed. The accurately cleaned cavity was then filled with blocks, tightly positioned in place along major bone stress lines and finally the cortical lamina was closed back in position.
Pre operation: Evidence of metaphyseal mass with erosion of the cortical bone.
Post operation: Cortical bone window curettage, lesion filling with Blocks, No fixation device, immediate load bering.
Follow-up 2 Months: complete recovery, full load bearing high stability, increasing bone density, good mineralization, new bone formation, comparable to contralateral.
Follow-up 3 Months: complete recovery, full load bearing high stability, increasing bone density, good mineralization, new bone formation, comparable to contralateral.


Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00