Dental Training: Reconstructive and Regenerative Implantological Surgery

Date: from 2 December 2022 to 3 December 2022


Dr. Giorgio Carusi - Dr. Federico Mandelli - Dr. Gianni Pertici

IBI is hosting an oral surgery course using SmartBone®.

The course will be held in Lugano on December 2nd – 3th, 2022.

After numerous successful experiences with SmartBone® technology, Dr. G. Carusi, a specialist in Odontostomatology, will explain the different applications of SmartBone® in oral surgery, and Dr. F. Mandelli, a specialist in Oral Surgery Odontostomatology, will examine various clinical cases using SmartBone®.

There will also be the opportunity to meet  Dr. Pertici, CEO of IBI SA that will talk about “The innovative biomaterials: SmartBone, a new approach” and the entire IBI sales team.

The course will consist of two days in which theory and practice will alternate.
Various periodontal and tissue augmentation techniques, bone defects and related treatments, will be some of the main topics of the course. There will also be a “hands-on” session on animal models in which each participant will perform a partial-thickness flap and a full-thickness flap with a periosteal release and learn the proper use of SmartBone® blocks.

The ticket includes two full training days, two lunches, and four coffee breaks.

For more details about the program and price, please feel free to e-mail us at

Reserve your seat now! Places are limited!





Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00