Master in Digital Dentistry 2018-2019

Date: from 26 January 2019 to 26 January 2019


Dr. G. Pertici, Ing. C. F. Grottoli and Dr. R. Ghiretti

IBI SA will be a sponsor at the 3rd edition of a 2 years Master in Digital Dentistry

IBI SA will be a sponsor at the 3rd edition of a 2 years Master in Digital Dentistry 2018-2019, organized by the Università Insubria in Varese.

The master consists of a general module dedicated to the diagnosis, materials, hardware and software necessary to the understanding of the use of digital technologies in dentistry. Three clinical specialist modules  will be examinated: conservative-prosthetics, orthodontics and oral surgery with the aim of learning the application of modern digital techniques.

The courses are organized with theoretical lectures by experts for each field associated with pratical exercise on software and digital tools (scanner intraoral, extraoral, facial, milling machines and 3D printers).

Each participant is provided with powerfull next-generation computers, tools and softwares thanks to the contribution of Partners Companies.  The requirement for the participation is the possession of a second level degree. In each of the various meetings, participants can  invite and auditor (dentist, dental technician, dental hygienist, assistant chair, or other).

On 26th January 2019, Dr. Roberto Ghiretti, Ing. Gianni Pertici PhD, Vice President of IBI SA and Ing. Carlo F. Grottoli provide a lecture about the innovative biomaterial SmartBone and its special service SmartBone® on Demand™.

For more information please Visit the Master’s Website!


Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00