Date: from 29 April 2021 to 29 April 2021
Gianni Pertici (CEO IBI SA) and Riccardo Ferracini (Clinical Investigator IBI SA)
Are you a professionist working with bone grafts in the ortho field?
Are you interested in a xeno synthethic bonegraft performed in orthopaedic surgery?
Would you like to know something new about our product?
Definitely you must enroll in this webinar about SmartBone® Ortho!
It will take place on 29th April from 14.00 to 15.20 (Central European Time Zone) on Microsoft Teams.
On the webinar you will have the chance to attend two presentations, one about the bone substitute SmartBone® lectured by Gianni Pertici, CEO of IBI SA and the other one about the orthopaedic clinical cases of SmartBone® presented by our Clinical Investigator, Dr. Riccardo Ferracini.
This Webinar will be in English.
In order to register to the webinar send an e-mail at:
This webinar is free! Registration is mandatory!
This Webinar will take place in Microsoft Teams, it doesn’t require the downloaded version.
Whether you have the web version or the downloaded version, you will get access at the webinar by clicking on the link that you are going to receive by e-mail, one day before the planned webinar.
We reserve the right to postpone the event as needed.
Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00