Date: June 20th - June 23rd 2016
IBI will be present at the 2016 cCM XVII: Stem cells, Bone Fixation, Repair & Regeneration Congress, to be held in Davos on June 20th and 23rd, 2016, a four-days conference dedicated to ‘Biomaterials, Stem cells, Bone Fixation, Repair and Regeneration’.
The conference will include sessions on biomaterials, biofabrication and tissue engineering and keynote lectures from clinicians, academy and industry.
This years conference will examine the multifunctional role of stem cells, while focussing on one of their common functions: Bone Repair. Although bone has a remarkable propensity to repair, there are a number of situations where the repair process fails. This leads to many complications both social and economic. To meet these challenges, a complete understanding of bone biology, at the molecular, cellular and mechanical level is required. Furthermore the knowledge gained must be implemented into clinically relevant applications. This conference aims to address precisely these topics while exploring issues such as general stem cell behaviour, biomaterials and clinical approaches.
There will also be an Innovations session co-organised by the Inartis Network, finishing with a round table discussion. The outcome should be an increased understanding of the topic and a fostering of the interaction between scientists and clinicians.
This international forum continues the eCM congress series held in Davos. The limited number of participants (150) ensures clinicians, biologists, engineers and material scientists will have ample opportunities for knowledge sharing in basic, translational and clinical research in addition to developments in the field of Bone Regeneration and Stem cells. As the conference does not have parallel sessions it permits in-depth multidisciplinary discussions about how to advance this research area. We also provide free afternoons to allow for networking or time to gather your thoughts.
Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00