IBI SA will support Kitzbühel Snow Symposium (KISS)!

Date: January 16th - 18th 2020


Kitzbühel, Austria

IBI SA will start the new year  with a sponsorship to the Kitzbühel Snow Symposium (KISS), 16th-18th January, Kitzbühel, Austria. A wonderful dentistry symposium under the snow, that will take place in the beautiful frame of Grand Tirolia Hotel! This Symposium will be characterized by the partecipation of many national and international  speakers.

As the organizer remarked: “The program and the speakers give a complete overview of modern techniques and treatment methods in implantology, and the current status in planning. The workshops, treatment protocols and step by step in small groups, will be deepened.

Among all these important speakers, IBI SA couldn’t include one of its Doctor. Indeed, on 17th January at 14.00 o’clock Doctor B. Fraschini will hold a presentation entitled “Bone and Bone substitutes in oral implantology – clinical cases & failures”. 

If you  want  to start the new year with an important event in a comfortable  location this is definitely an event  that you can’t miss it!

For Registration and further information visit the following link: https://www.kiss-symposium.com/en/home/



Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00