Date: October 2nd - 5th 2019
SmartBone® will attend EORS (European Orthopaedic Research Society) Annual Meeting, from 2nd to 5th October in Maastricht, Netherlands.
The European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) promotes education, research, innovation, clinical translation and social responsibility in orthopaedics. EORS meetings provide a forum to discuss achievements, challenges and opportunities in orthopaedic, musculoskeletal and trauma education, research, development and clinical translation.
Dr. R. Ferracini will held a lecture about SmartBone and its applications in the orthopaedic field entitled ” SmartBone a composite Xeno-hybrid bone graft: clinical experiences in orthopaedic applications”.
The EORS is the only pan-European society dedicated to research and development in orthopaedic surgery and related science in its broadest sense unifying orthopaedic clinicians and specialist scientists from all associated fields. The unique interdisciplinary profile, translational competence plus the pan-European network have made EORS an official partner to other European organizations!
For further information:
Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00