SmartBone Workshop: customized bone graft training course at the 10th Annual CAI Academy Meeting in Florence (6th-7th November 2015)

Date: November 6th - November 7th 2015

IBI will sponsor the 10th Annual Meeting of Computer Aided Implantology (CAI) Academy presenting its bone graft line and additive regenerative techniques at the SmartBone workshop dedicated to oral and maxillo-facial surgery. The event will take place in Florence on November 6 and 7, 2015, a two-day conference dedicated to ‘Computer Aided Implantology’.

The conference will include a workshop on SmartBone, SmartBone On Demand and clinical cases performed with SmartBone.


IBI sponsorizzerà la 10esima edizione del Meetting Annuale di Implantologia Computer Assistita (CAI) presentando l’innovativo sostituto osseo SmartBone adatto per chirurgia ricostruttiva orale e maxillo facciale allo SmartBone workshop, che si terrà a Firenze dal 6 al 7 Novembre 2015, due giorni di conferenza dedicati ‘all’Implantologia Computer Assistita’.

La conferenza includerà un workshop dove sarà presentato SmartBone, SmartBone On Demand e a casi clinici effettuati con SmartBone.


Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00