Hi everyone! I’m Dr. Giorgio Carusi, I graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna in 1975, later specializing in Dentistry in Pisa in 1980.I participated in the programs of Continuing Education at Boston University, Columbia University, the University of Gothenburg and the Royal Dental College of Aarhus University from 1977 to 1990. From 1986 to 1989 I held the position of «Racing Director» Gore -Tex (USA) in Italy for the teaching of Surgical Techniques Regenerative Tissue and Bone. From 1988 to 1992 I collaborated with «Coletica» of Lion (France) for research and clinical applications of crosslinked collagens in Regenerative Techniques. Since 1996 I’m a member of the IADR (International Association for Dental Research).
ln 1998, I served as Director of the Research Group of the University of Siena for the clinical application of Amelogenin in Guided Tissue Regeneration. I was a former professor at the University of Pisa ac at the Department of Oral Surgery from 2001 to 2008. ln 2004 and 2005 I taught courses teaching the art and techniques of Piezochirurgica Sinus Lift in Dubai (UAE).
Since 2006, I had been teaching courses in reconstructive techniques in Oral Surgery in Bucharest (Romania). ln 2008 I began a professional collaboration with Prof. Frank Palm, director of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of Konstanz (Germany) Scientific and Clinical Co- operators SSCB (Swiss Stem Cells Bank) Lugano Swiss.
I have published 26 articles in national and international journals I have been a speaker at national and 183 international congresses.
I was directly involved in the creation of SmartBone®!
More than 12 years ago, IBI’s current CEO, Gianni Pertici was collaborating with my private surgical practice regarding his research for biomaterials for regenerative medicine. I saw SmartBone growing from the beginning.
There are three features that make SmartBone® a unique bone substitute.
First SmartBone® is very versatile, it performs very well in oral reconstruction surgeries and for bone regeneration/augmentation.
Moreover, mechanical handling and performances of bone graft during surgical maneuvering are essential, indeed, the product withstands drilling and fixing with osteosynthesis screws and remains firmly in place offering a strong mechanical bond to the host tissue.
Finally, the layering of proteins on SmartBone® ‘s surfaces play an important role, because they make the surface very viable for cells and thus enhances tissue remodeling and integration, promote cell adhesion and increase the graft wettability.
I would consider the possible combination with collagen for use in crestal sinus lift (M.I.S.E).
The M.I.S.E. Technique, which I developed 20 years ago, means “Minimal Invasive Sinus Elevation”, because it is a universal technique (indicated for all types of implants), extremely simple and “non-operator dependent”, however the clinician must always follow the various steps perfectly without skipping any.
I use SmartBone for bone regeneration in pre implant condition’s defects , peri-implant reconstructive surgery and parodontal defects.
Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00