TODAY WE MEET – Interview to Dr. R. Ghiretti

September 22, 2020

Good morning Dr. Ghiretti thank you for your collaboration to participate in this new release of Today we Meet, our monthly section where employees and partners will be interviewed around IBI. I would say to start with a short presentation about you!

Hi guys, I was born in 1954 at Sermide (Mantova), classical high school, degree in Medicine and Surgery at Università degli Studi di Bologna specialized in Maxillo-facial surgery. I started my hospital career in Bologne and then in Mantova with Prof. Pietro Dallera and finished in 1993 at Sondrio as Primary F. F. and since then I continue my path as a freelancer. Instead, on the university field I was a contract professor at Università degli Studi of Ferrara from 1987 to 1989. My clinic is in Porto Mantovano but I do consulting in many cities on the northern Italy.

I have been collaborating for several years with Prof. J.F. Celin, Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Virginia with more than 30 years’ clinical experience. I published several scientific publications and a book entitled “3D Radiology in Dentistry”, written with Emanuele Ambu and Riccardo Laziosi.

I’m manly interested in oral surgery, implantology, tissue regeneration and radiology working with important companies in the sector: such as: IBI SA and Acteon.

How did you discover SmartBone®?

SmartBone® was suggested to me by a dear friend, representing of a leading company in the field of radiological analysis with creation of surgical guides.

In your opinion which are the main characteristics that make SmartBone® better than the other bone substitutes on the market?

Your product is characterized of being particularly handy especially in block shape. Moreover, the fact that SmartBone® is enriched with biopolymers makes it extremely manageable on the application and offer osteogenic characteristics not findable on the other bone substitutes available on the market.

Perhaps what hit me the most is the seriousness and professionalism of the company with whom I have established a constructive collaboration that is taking shape at a scientific level significantly. It is always a pleasure to spend a lot of time on the phone to discuss the clinical cases in order to find together a solution.

Do you think that there are aspects of SmartBone® that do not satisfy you? If so, which ones?

I have not found any defects in SmartBone® yet. Maybe there were defects on SmartBone® On Demand’s planning when the surgeon’s enthusiasm tends to exaggerate the size of the block to be grafted.

Currently, I prefer to use standard blocks that I use together with microchips.

With what surgical technique do you prefer to use Smartbone®? Could you briefly explain it?

I tried different types of use, from custom grafts to blocks and microchips, but currently I’m mainly using microchips mixed with platelet derivatives through a protocol of my own in the patenting phase contained in customized grids to give the biological chamber the necessary value. It seems to me that the microchips, especially if combined with the regenerative factors of the platelet derivatives, offer a better welcome to the colonization of the shelf.

So far, I preferred to use the blocks that I placed on a “bed” of microchips to fill the spaces that inevitably are created with the cortical surface. A block in this is case is useful for the mechanical value and microchips for the precision of the grafting. This solution also involved the use of membranes to avoid the dispersion of microchips but, as we know, neoangiogenesis starting from the periosteum which is the main creator of the colonization of the scaffold that works better if there are no obstacles.

Lately I entrust the protection of the biological chamber to a customized structure in titanium or peek that allows the patient’s organism to transform the scaffold easily. We are evaluating these solutions with IBI SA by radiologically controlling the evolution of the grafts. And, I stress once again, being able to discuss constructively with them who offer such refined surgical solutions is a priceless factor for those at the forefront of treatments of cases sometimes extremely complex.

We came to the conclusion of the interview, thank you for making yourself available and for sharing your experience with IBI and Smartbone, see you soon!

Thanks to you for this excellent initiative of yours that underlines once again the intelligent business management of your structure that is growing in the dental, maxillo-facial and orthopaedic field.

A sincere hug to all of you.


Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
via Cantonale 67, CH-6805 Mezzovico-Vira, Switzerland
t. +41 91 93.06.640
f. +41 91 220.70.00