OMX_Volume 9_Issue 2_Pages 62-73
Mohammed S. Abuelnaga, Nader N. Elbokle, Mohammed M. Khashaba
Aim: This study was to evaluate clinically and radiographically the volume changes of alveolar ridge grafting using
customized xenogenic bone graft.
Materials and Methods: A total of 12 patients with mandibular horizontal and vertical alveolar ridge defects ≥ 3 mm
were selected. They were divided into 2 groups: Group I (Test Group) included 6 patients in which mandibular alveolar
ridges were reconstructed with customized Xenogenic bone graft Smartbone (IBI S.A., Switzerland). Group II (Control
Group) included 6 patients in which mandibular alveolar ridges were reconstructed with particulate Xenogenic bone
(Smart bone, IBI S.A., Switzerland) grafting to posterior mandibular ridge with titanium mesh was performed. Volume
analysis of the changes in alveolar ridge in both Groups were obtained before and four months after the procedure using
CBCT. Densitometric analysis of the Postoperative bone formed and compared with native bone. .
Results: Four months postoperatively. Measurements made on cone-beam computerized tomograms, four months
postoperative showed significance increase in bone volume by 40 % in the area of newly formed bone in Group I
(Customized bone) compared with 23% in Control Group. Statistical significant changes was found in the density of
newly formed bone four months post-operatively in both Groups, however there was no significant difference in bone
density postoperatively between Group I (customized Bone) and Group II (Control).
Conclusion: According to the results, the treatment of defective alveolar ridge augmentation of the mandibular ridge with
customized xenogenic bone graft Smartbone (IBI S.A., Switzerland) is successful and produces results consistent with
the control Group.
Industrie Biomediche Insubri SA
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