Indian Journal Stomatology 2015/Volume 6/Issue 2
Ilaria Zollino, Giorgio Carusi, Francesco Carinci, Giuseppe Perale
The present case reports the success rate after 8 months of follow-up in a sinus pneumatization case with maxillary sinus floor cortical bone loss due to 2.5 dental agenesis. Rehabilitation including the opportunity to insert a contextual implant during maxillary sinus lift surgery was planned, using SmartBone® Microchips heterologous bone inserted into the maxillary sinus. The newly developed bone substitute was designed starting from bovine bone derived mineral matrix, reinforced with bioresorbable aliphatic polymers and cell nutrients. SmartBone® Microchips showed a tight contact with the new bone and neither gaps nor fibrous tissues at the interface. No inflammation or foreign body reaction were observed, and these findings support the good biocompatibility of SmartBone® Microchips composite material. Moreover, new bone, thanks to its mechanical properties, consented to fix screw in combination with maxillary sinus floor elevation for a dental implant.
The newly developed bone substitute SmartBone® Microchips showed in a patient with jaw cortical pavement defect a tight contact with the new bone and neither gaps nor fibrous tissues at the interface. No inflammation or foreign body reaction were observed, and these findings support the good biocompatibility of SmartBone® Microchips composite material. Moreover, new bone, thanks to its mechanical properties, consented to fix one screw in combination with maxillary sinus floor elevation for the dental implant. All these statements showed the good suitability of SmartBone® Microchips for alveolar defect repair in sinus lift procedure
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